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A series of testimonials from our EPIC members, why hiring a space here could be right for you.

What do you do/what is your business?

Malloch McClean Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors. I help people create smarter, better businesses through market leading accountancy packages and business development tools, all powered by Malloch McClean Chartered Accountants.

My expertise is in helping business owners and managers, identify areas of improvement within their business, set goals, make a plan and then work closely with that business to achieve their goals.

Why did you choose EPIC?

EPIC is arguably the only place to start a business in Buller. Through EPIC I am surrounded by like-minded people, working hard on their own ventures. This gives opportunity to share struggles and successes and to learn from each other’s experiences.

Being housed in EPIC brings the advantage of their strong brand recognition, community presence and dedication to small business. This connects my business to other local business agencies through the strong relationships EPIC has fostered.

What do you love about EPIC?

What’s not to love? If I need help, it’s on hand. If I need to practice a pitch, there is always someone ready to hear it. For me, just being in a busy office of hardworking people motivates and drives my own activity.

3 reasons co-working/shared space works for you and your business

1. I enjoy working in an office where we can all share our stories.

2. have a lively conversation and learn from our collective experience.

3. The co-working space gives connection to a rotation of interesting people to connect and share with.

Anything else you would like to add?

EPIC Westport has quickly established itself at the heart of business development in our region. Some of this is proactively generated through formal programs, such as co-starters, but some is generated through the collaborative nature of the work space.

In my previous role, I have witnessed small businesses learn and grow within EPIC and to then graduate out of the building (but still a part of the EPIC family) as successful enterprises.

In my current venture, the choice was obvious. Economical office space, support for my own development through in-house collaboration plus the advantage of being connected to local businesses and professional agencies through EPIC’s own promotions and activities.

What do you do/what is your business?

West Coast Rewards provides an adaptable marketing system which helps businesses attract customers and build loyalty. We also have an online directory to help people find West Coast businesses and our Reward Card can get them great deals when they buy local.

Why did you choose EPIC?

Why wouldn't I choose EPIC? This space came to be about a year after I began my business and I had previously only worked from home. As soon as I realised what EPIC was all about I knew I wanted to be part of it, I started out using a hot desk and I really enjoyed being around other motivated people who were also doing really cool things with their businesses. When I was offered an office I jumped at the chance to make my own space and finally get more organised. Being here has solved so many problems and offered many solutions - it's been amazing!

What do you love about EPIC?

EPIC offers a space where people can work on their businesses and projects while feeding off the positive creative energy surrounding them. There is everything that you could need available to get work done. I especially love how the place brings people together and can help facilitate valuable connections.

3 reasons Co-working/shared space works for you and your business

1. I can turn up anytime and get into my work straight away in an inspiring space.

2. It's great to be able to talk to others about ideas or problems and get some feedback.

3. Meeting new people, making friends and enjoying some social time together.

Anything else you would like to add?

I love this space! I feel that my business has grown and become more visible by being based at EPIC. The people here are what make it really special and I am pleased to be part of the EPIC Westport team.

What do you do/what is your business?

Love Kawatiri Community Trust

Love Kawatiri was formed as a Community Trust in September 2018 with the intent of providing a vehicle for supporting the development of community-led projects, initiatives and community enterprises in the communities of the Kawatiri/Buller district. Our kaupapa/purpose is “To unleash the strengths and potential in Kawatiri, enabling the community to take the lead in creating a positive future.”

Our vision is for the development of a Kawatiri community that recognizes its strengths and potential, is self-determined and empowered in creating a positive future. We believe in a positive and thriving community that embraces change and enables all people to connect and contribute. A place where people’s ideas can be nurtured and brought to life. Where we work together to create a safe, vibrant,

healthy, cohesive, sustainable and prosperous Kawatiri/Buller district for ourselves, our whānau and future generations.

Why did you choose EPIC?

I have been involved in supporting the formation of EPIC since it’s inception here in Westport. The development of EPIC Westport has provided our community with a valuable co-working space that connects our businesses and wider community. EPIC Westport provides an environment that supports and enhances innovation, business development and networking. This bolsters the impact and success of both start-up and established businesses alongside community organisations such as ourselves.

EPIC Westport supports the development of Love Kawatiri and our kaupapa by sponsoring our co-working/office and meeting space. We choose to be based at EPIC Westport as it offers us with a central community hub and professional workspace where we can enjoy interacting with other community groups, businesses, support agencies and the broader community. Oh plus it’s just a fun and inspiring place to be that beats working from home any day of the week!

What do you love about EPIC?

Love Kawatiri loves EPIC Westport as they are passionate about creating a more cohesive, healthy, sustainable and prosperous future for Westport and our wider district. EPIC Westport provides us with a space to bring people together while providing a platform for building our capabilities. EPIC Westport means that Westport is an awesome place to work and enjoy our Untamed Natural Wilderness!

3 reasons Co Working/shared space works for you and your business

1. Networking and Connections: Provides regular interaction and builds connections with other businesses, community groups, support agencies and community.

2. Innovation and Capabilities: Supports the development of innovation and

growth through the connections it creates and the business development support provided.

3. Fun and Inspiring: Its so much nicer to be working in an environment where people are building their dreams and sharing their challenges and successes along the way.

What do you do/what is your business?

I am the owner/operator of Holmstyle Therapies. Its a massage business upstairs in the NEM building. I offer massage services to Westport and organise therapists for sporting events in the area.

Why did you choose EPIC?

Because of Ben and Tash. They are awesome and supportive. Also the co-starters course helped give me direction and a place to base my upcoming business from.

What do you love about EPIC?

The PEOPLE!! The diversity of people that base themselves withing the co-sharing space.

3 reasons Co Working/shared space works for you and your business

1. Having a mixture of people and skills.

2. Someone to head to yoga with :)

3. Always someone around to listen or share a coffee or sometimes a cold beer with.

Anything else you would like to add?

EPIC is awesome

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